1. Qt (pronounced “cute”) will be the sticking glue to the future of Nokia’s advanced device offerings. It will be the application layer for both the New Symbian and MeeGo in the future.
2. The work has begun and Nokia invested A LOT to ensure Qt will be the preferred method for developers in developing apps for Symbian platform and MeeGo. From the SDK to APIs to app store to training… you name it. Nokia is all out for Qt.
3. This is not an easy job and it will take a lot of money, time, sweat, blood and tears to accomplish.
4. Currently (December 2010), there are not many Symbian Qt apps available yet but they start to appear for users to downlod and install. These apps can be downloaded from the developers’ websites or from Nokia’s Ovi Store.
5. Here are 3 Symbian Qt apps that I use. And I like them a lot because the developers took the time to bring new and fresh user experience and functions in these apps. Away from the traditional Symbian/S60/AVKON UI layer.
6. This is not a definitive list and I may post something else in the future when more Symbian Qt apps are available.
Toshl by ThirdFrameStudios
1. In my opinion, today (Dec 19th 2010), this is the most beautiful Symbian Qt app on the planet anno 2010. PERIOD!
2. Toshl is an expense tracking app, on steroid! It’s strength lies in the ability to sync with Toshl online account where users can see more details and reports of their expenses, and many other functions.
3. The application is free (forever! – yeah!) together with the basic online account. But for those who are serious in tracking their spending, a subscription based Pro account is available for $USD19.95 annually.
4. More information about Toshl at http://toshl.com/
5. Get it from Ovi Store. Highly RECOMMENDED!
Moodagent Playlist DJ by Syntonetic
1. Moodagent is a music player with a twist. It’s main feature is playing music according to user’s mood. The UI is unique and very easy to use. Changing mood can never be easier. You just need to slide the colour bars up or down. Words cant describe how easy this is actually!
2. You can also create playlist directly inside Moodagent following to the mood (Sensual, Tender, Happy, Angry, Tempo) that you just selected.
3. It is free. You can download it from Ovi Store.
4. The official website is at http://www.moodagent.com/
WordPress for Nokia
1. If you are using a Symbian smartphone, writes a blog, and you use WordPress engine for your blog, this is the best app for you at the moment.
2. This app was ported from other platforms to Symbian and the develoers decided to use Qt.
3. Current stable version is 0.86, available from the developer’s website at http://dev.nokia.wordpress.org/. To differentiate the app that’s being heavily developed than the one available from Ovi Store, the developers added the word “Beta”. So if you download and install from here, it will appear as WordPress Beta on your Symbian smartphones.
4. If you download from Ovi Store, it will appear as WordPress only (without Beta) on your Symbian smartphones.
If you find other Symbian Qt apps that you like, why not write about them in the comments below.
* Tip 1 : If you want to know which app is using Qt in Ovi Store, search for “13 MB”. This is because for Symbian devices prior to Symbian^3, they need to download and install 13 MB Qt components. (thanks @_brendand_ )
** Tip 2 : Try this search on Ovi Store web.
– Asri al-Baker