Funny Things About Qt For Symbian^3
1. The first generation of Symbian^3 devices (N8, C7, C6-01 and soon E7), are all equipped with Qt runtime in …
1. The first generation of Symbian^3 devices (N8, C7, C6-01 and soon E7), are all equipped with Qt runtime in …
1. Foursquare. The latest craze in the social networking services. 2. They have released official apps for iOS, Android and …
1. Are you a Google Plus user? Who happens to use Symbian touch devices? How do you access Gloogle Plus …
1. I don’t know about you guys but I notice recently if you go to using your Symbian Anna Web …
1. A friend, owner of an E90 came and asked me what is the best alternative internet browser for his …
1. In my blogpost dated November 28th 2010, entitled “Funny Things About Qt for Symbian^3″, I mentioned something about Ovi …
1. A friend of mine, David R. Gilson of AAS (he also writes on his own blog, tweeted about how great it …
1. All Symbian smartphones since the days of yore, support SyncML protocol. But many users are unaware of this feature …
1. Unlike Google Contacts which supports SyncML officially, Google choose not to implement SyncML to Google Calendar. They went with CalDAV. (Follow my …
1. Another device that is believed will be announced in the very near future from Nokia is a new powerful …